Hidden gem near Jakarta, beautiful place surrounded by pine trees. To reach the place, you have to pass through CIMB Learning Center and narrow road. But don't worry, there are staff who will guide you to park your car. Friendly and helpfull staff👌🏼🥰 Good coffee with beautiful mountain and city view in the morning 💖💖
Great place to visit with friends and/or family.Foods are decent, drinks are okay too but the selling point for me is the nature. It's breezy, chilly, fresh air and pine trees are amazing escape from city life; also good for pictures to those cam-lovers.You'd often find people bringing their pet (generally dog) to stroll there
Amazing place in Bogor, it is perfect place to end up a one-day trip in Bogor. The thing is this place could be one of the most beautiful dining restaurants in Jakarta. You could see the volcano far away beside the sunset!Food is likewise another restaurant in Indonesia serves Indonesian and some western food.Sate ayam is highly recommended which is the taste difference from Jakarta style, suitable for some who don’t like the sweet taste of sate!
Good food and beautiful location.Pricing reasonable.Only disappointment there are lots of flies and tiny pest which you may have to kept getting rid of them.Recommendation : Will visit again for their good food and beautiful scenery location.
Good views and ambience. Food was pretty good and served in a nice plating. Drink was also good and I recommend to try the burn cheese cake and bitterballen as the savory snacks. Nice for taking photos but the place was quite difficult to reach, because of the lack of convenient road. But otherwise, it's recommended to try to go here.
Datang bersama teman2 kantor tgl 31 Juli 2022.Menu yg dipesan tahu walik, rasanya bisa dibilang ok dibanding yang lain. Sweet potatoes fried rasanya tawar, singkong bumbu ada 2 pilihan cheese dan BBQ, kita pilih yg BBQ boleh juga walau seperti singkong bumbu pada umumnya sih.Untuk makan siang kami pesan nasi goreng seafood, nasi goreng tuna hambar, menurut kami kurang berasa, kurang nendang gituuu. Mie tek tek dan sate ayam enak, menurutnya termasuk menu favorite, ga salah kalau ini...soto pas nya bau nya kayak jamu tapi rasa masih ok. Untuk kebersihan tempat termasuk bersih.. semoga ke depannya bukan hanya tempat yg nyaman tapi juga rasa makanan & minumannya lebih jossss lagi.
Baru pertama ke bogor dan nemuin caffe ditengah hutan pinus yang viewnya bikin candu makannya bikin nagihh , tempatnya nyaman Ditambah lagi kita bisa request nama kita di coffe yang kita pesen dan hasilnya bagus ,banyak macam appetizer sama dessert jadi yang biasa harus ada makanan pembuka sama penutup pas banget disana.Dan disana ada dua jenis tempat yang no smoking area sama smoking area. Accesnya bisa dibilang mudah tapi kalo malem gelap karna kanan kirinya masih pohon pohon hanya beberapa lampu aja jadi yang kesana pulanh malem becarefull yaa👌
Kesitu pas weekday adi ga terlalu rame. Pelayanan baik dan ramah. Food was OK. Pemandangannya cakep, akan jauh lebih bagus pada cuaca cerah.Ada mushola yang bersih jd ga worry buru2 balik atau cari tempat sholat lain di luar resto kalo memang pas waktu ya sholat.Oya tempat ini pets friendly ya. Jadi bisa bawa hewan peliharaan (semisal anjing atau kucing) dengan syarat tertentu (syarat2nya ada di pintu masuk), dan harus selalu dalam.keadaan terikat (on leash) selama berada di area resto.
Tempatnya oke banget bisa liat gunung klo gi cerah, jembatan gadog keliatan...klo mo dpt seat juara hrs rogoh kocek 120rb/ORANG....per orang yaa...tpi di indoor dan outdoor tablenya jg udah juara kok....price.... 40-70rb an...ya lumayan jg...kmren pesan americano,kopi ok, strawberry something, teh WG, tahu wakik...ini enak....french fries msh ada kulitbya dibalut keju enak, banana fritter....rekomenlah antara tempat,view dan mknannya. bnyk spot foto dan rindangnya pohon pinus
First time kesini asik bangetttttt tempatnya adem krn banyak pohon jd ga langsung kena terik mataharinya. Kemarin mesen nasi goreng seafood n tuna. Aku suka tekstur nasgornya krn ga seperti nasi yg baru masak dr ricecooker trus diolah jd nasgor alias lembek. Trus mesen matcha mint nya, utk aku yg gasuka matcha ini udh termasuk enak. Rasanya mirip permen mintZ yg bungkus ijo itu, enak. Next kesini bawa keluarga atau temen tongkrongan enak, apalagi duduk” di pohon pinus belakangnya sambil liat sunset enak banget. Makasih buat menu n suasana cafe nya kak 😁👍🏻